Organ Donation

Organ Donation

Sign up today. Be the reason someone’s tomorrow is brighter. Organ donation ranks very high in the list of selfless acts we can commit to during our lifetime. Lack of awareness is a small contributor to the failure to sign up. Many others, despite the knowledge of its overwhelming benefits, still hesitate / fail to […]

The Rise of the Unstoppable: A Message from Cancer to Humanity

The Rise of the Unstoppable: A Message from Cancer to Humanity

Greetings, fragile creatures. For centuries, you have walked upon this Earth, convinced of your supremacy. You believe yourselves to be the masters of biology, the architects of medicine, the slayers of disease. How naïve. You are nothing but a collection of cells, and I… I am the evolution of those cells into something far greater. […]

A Rare Cause of Acute Abdomen

Torsion of Large Subserous Uterine Fibroid in a Postmenopausal Woman Introduction Uterine fibroids or leiomyomas are benign, smooth-muscle growth and are the most common gynaecologic tumours, found in 60% of women in their reproductive period. However, they rarely become symptomatic after menopause. Uncomplicated fibroids can be asymptomatic, but when symptomatic they may result in pain […]

HMPV Outbreak

Should We Be Concerned? Symptoms, Prevention, and What You Need to Know – Insights from Dr. Divya Surendran, Consultant Pulmonologist at Prakriya Hospitals. Hello Everybody, Of late, all of us are quite alarmed at the news of HMPV (Human Metapneumovirus) outbreak in China. It has, infact raised concerns globally. We are even more perturbed by […]

Indications to Seek Urgent Medical Attention Among Adults

Warning Signs: Indications to Seek Urgent Medical Attention Among Adults Mr. Sharath (name changed), a 30 year old gentleman, living with his parents, developed severe chest pain around 7AM while at home.  He thought the pain was due to indigestion (Gastric) and self-administered some antacids at home. He also tried having a light breakfast. He […]

What is heart failure and how it is treated?

When the heart cannot pump enough blood to meet the body’s needs, the condition is known as heart (or cardiac) failure. It implies that the heart is either unable to pump with sufficient force or volume, or both. Heart failure can be caused by a variety of underlying heart conditions. The heart gradually becomes weaker […]

Frozen Shoulder Treatment – Symptoms 2023

The shoulder plays an important role in supporting a host of physical activities associated with the human body system, so don’t wait for Frozen Shoulder Treatment. It has a broader range of motion than any other part of the body. A thickened capsule in the shoulder is common in those with frozen shoulder. The capsule […]


While the world tries to settle down after a 2-year challenge posed by Covid-19, one more disease that shows signs of testing the global health industry is on the rise. This time its Monkeypox, very similar to the more commonly heard Chickenpox, but caused by a different virus. Through this article, we try to focus on […]

Winter alerts for patients suffering from respiratory diseases

Seasonal shifts can have quite an impact on your health. For e.g., a change in season from Summer to Monsoon, Monsoon to Winter etc. can increase the chances of developing infectious diseases, especially in the case of senior citizens and those with respiratory disorders. This article is aimed at understanding how you can take care […]


Hypertension or high blood pressure or BP is a common condition in which the long-term force of the blood against artery walls eventually leads to healthy ailments, such as heart problems. There are two ways to determine blood pressure one by the amount of blood heart pumps and the second the amount of resistance to […]