Oesophagus and Foregut (upper GI) Surgery

Oesophagus and Foregut (upper GI) Surgery

Food passes through your digestive system via your gastrointestinal tract. It is composed of several hollow organs that join with one another to form a tube that extends from your mouth to your anus. Your upper gastrointestinal system is referred to as “Upper GI.” This includes your stomach, oesophagus (swallowing pipe), and the first segment of your small intestine (duodenum).

The oesophagus connects your mouth to your stomach, stomach, and the upper small intestines make up the foregut (duodenum, jejunum). The foregut is frequently referred to as the upper GI tract. When compared to those that can impact the remainder of the GI tract, the diseases and ailments that can affect the upper GI tract are frequently extremely different (such as the colon). These upper GI illnesses (such as gastroesophageal reflux disease, hiatal hernia, achalasia, and gastroparesis) are treated surgically, which calls for a special set of abilities, methods, and strategies.


If a symptom manifests in a mild form two or more days per week, or in a moderate to severe form more than one day per week, it is deemed clinically significant.

There are many symptoms associated with reflux disease. Patients may exhibit heartburn, regurgitation, and epigastric pain, which are the most common symptoms of GERD. There are a variety of atypical GERD symptoms, such as dysphagia, and oropharyngeal symptoms including hoarseness, and chronic cough. Additionally, patients may experience chest symptoms such as asthma, persistent aspiration, pneumonia, and chest pain. Dental erosions, sinusitis, otitis media, and sleep apnea are examples of other symptoms. Finally, patients may experience GERD problems such as Barrett’s oesophagus, stricture, ulceration, inflammation, and more.

Options for Endoscopic & Minimally Invasive Surgery

The type of therapy selected is based on the patient’s unique characteristics, including age, the presence of a hiatal hernia, the efficiency of the oesophagus, and others.

The following minimally invasive endoscopic and surgical therapy options are available for patients with well-established GERD.

  • Laparoscopic Anti-reflux Surgery (LAR) is the most common surgical treatment for GERD.
  • LINX Reflux Management System
  • Endoscopic Stretta Therapy

Oesophageal Achalasia

  • Surgical treatment options include:
  • Lap Heller Myotomy
  • Endoscopic Balloon Dilation
  • Per-Oral Endoscopic Myotomy


Surgical treatment options include:

  • Enterra Therapy
  • Lap Surgical Options

Advanced Robotic Surgery

A sophisticated robotic operating system is occasionally used by surgeons with the Minimally Invasive General Surgery programme to carry out specific minimally invasive procedures. Complicated laparoscopic treatments may be made possible by, and occasionally even improved by the robotic surgical platform. The surgical robotic equipment improves the interaction between the surgeon, the surgical tools, and the patient.

Patients occasionally find it difficult to take medications for a long time, possibly out of concern for either short- or long-term side effects. A patient may also want to think about surgery if they have asthma, hoarseness, or a cough that does not get better with medication.

Why Choose Prakriya?

Every patient at Prakriya receives quality, safe treatment, with top-of-the-line facilities, and gets individual attention so that they can get what they need. You’re our priority!