Hernia Surgery and Repair

Hernia Surgery and Repair

A hernia is when an organ protrudes through a muscle or structure that usually holds it in place. The condition most frequently develops when the intestine pushes through a weak place in the abdominal wall. Inguinal hernias are the most typical abdominal wall hernias.

The Most Prevalent Hernia Kinds are:

Inguinal Hernia: Inguinal hernias, which affect the inner groin region, happen when the intestine pushes through one of the two inguinal canals in the lower abdominal wall.

Femoral Hernia: Femoral hernias develop in deeper channels known as femoral canals in the upper thigh/outer groyne region.

Ventral Hernia: Hernias in the ventral region develop through a gap in the abdominal muscles.

Hiatus Hernia: The upper portion of the stomach can protrude into the chest through a little gap in the diaphragm, which is known as a hiatus hernia. The oesophagus, which transports food from the mouth to the stomach, can pass through the diaphragm thanks to the gap.

Symptoms of Hernia

An obvious lump or protrusion and possible discomfort or pain are typical symptoms of most hernias. The lump or bulge won’t always be there, it might disappear when you lie down. When you are exerting yourself a lot, your symptoms could get worse. These are the symptoms when a hernia has become stuck or strangulated:

  • A hernia protrusion that no longer extends back into the abdomen
  • Fever
  • Redness around the hernia area
  • Hernia-related pain or soreness that is sudden, intense, or both
  • Intestinal obstruction signs and symptoms such as stomach pain, bloating, nausea, and vomiting

Treatment of Hernia

Surgery is typically used to treat hernias; the three basic forms of hernia surgery are:

Open Hernia Repair: In an open hernia repair, a cut or incision is made in the groin. The bulging intestine is located within the hernia “sac.” To strengthen the abdominal wall, the surgeon next pulls the hernia back into the abdomen and inserts stitches or synthetic mesh. After surgery, most patients can return home in a day or two and are usually in good health within a few days. Exercise and strenuous activities are prohibited for four to six weeks following surgery.

Laparoscopic Hernia Repair Surgery: A laparoscope, a narrow, telescope-like equipment, is used in laparoscopic (minimally invasive) hernia repair. It is inserted through a tiny incision at the umbilicus (belly button). During this procedure, you won’t experience any pain. An “inside view” of your body is shown onto TV screens in the operating room thanks to a laparoscope that is attached to a tiny video camera no bigger than a dime.

Robotic Hernia Surgery: Similar to laparoscopic surgery, robotic hernia repair utilises a laparoscope and is carried out in the same way (small incisions, a tiny camera, inflation of the abdomen, projecting the inside of the abdomen onto television screens). Robotic surgery varies from laparoscopic surgery in that the surgeon controls the surgical instruments from a console while seated in the operating room.

Why Choose Prakriya?

Prakriya is here to hold your hand through the whole process of removal and repair of the hernia with our cutting-edge technology, up-to-date knowledge and experienced doctors. We put your needs over else!